Our Instructors

Laoshi Johnson

(Sidi Dai Lou)

… is a highly experienced and accomplished Kung Fu and Tai Chi instructor that is passionate about empowering students to improve both internally and externally. Having 19 years of experience under her black belts, Laoshi Johnson has gained a reputation as a master of her craft, holding the hard-earned rank of Sidi Dao Lou black.

Aside from her extensive martial arts background, Laoshi Johnson is an avid hiker and outdoorswoman preferring to spend her time connecting with nature when she is not devoting time to her mission of inspiring others, to become their best selves.

Laoshi Johnson has a particular love for teaching children and adults alike in the ways of self-discipline, meditation, lifelong curiosity, and fitness. Through her classes, students develop not only physical strength and flexibility but mental clarity and emotional resilience as well.

Overall, Laoshi Johnson is a valuable asset to the martial arts community. Her dedication for her students and her craft having earned her a well-deserved reputation as a skilled and compassionate teacher.

Mr. Chandler

…has been with Shaolin Arts for several years now and has completed his instructor training. He is now a full-time Instructor. Mr Chandler has been interested and involved in martial arts since his teen years. 

Kung fu has been Mr. Chandler’s favorite art, with its focus on personal well-being and growth as well as fitness and the ability to defend yourself. While he greatly enjoys our core curriculum, he has had a fascination with martial weapons and believes that one must train in both to have a better understanding of the arts. 

Martial arts has an extraordinary ability to bring people together in ways few other activities can and provide experiences that can only be experienced with other practitioners of the arts. The trust, strength and character you build along the way are some of the best parts of the martial art journey.

It is Mr. Chandler's belief that a more full understanding of what your own body can do and being able to push your own limits is something unique to the arts, being able to see your progress over time and see your own ability developing is nothing short of magical. No matter who you are, there is a martial art out there for you.

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Whether you are looking to unleash your inner warrior, or find your center. We’ve got you covered!